Promoting employee loyalty: Which benefits work for employees

In today's working world, retaining employees is becoming an ever greater challenge for companies. Employee benefits play a crucial role in this. From employee discounts to comprehensive corporate benefits programs - the range of options for motivating and retaining employees is vast. Employer benefits have a strong influence on employee satisfaction and loyalty and contribute significantly to the attractiveness of an employer. This article examines various aspects of employee retention through benefits. It examines the role of managers in this process and presents innovative approaches for the modern working world. It also discusses the importance of employer branding in strengthening employee loyalty. Company benefits and corporate benefits are presented as important instruments for attracting and retaining qualified specialists in the long term. The aim is to provide insights into how companies can develop effective employee retention strategies.

Philine Smerz

October 1, 2024

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Reading time: 1.5 min

The role of managers in employee retention

Managers play a crucial role in promoting employee loyalty. They have a strong influence on creating a culture of trust that leads to better performance and results [1]. By showing trust, delegating responsibility and recognizing performance, leaders increase employee satisfaction and engagement [1]. Leadership based on trust enables employees to take risks, learn from mistakes and seek support [1] This strengthens the company in the long term. Successful managers take responsibility for their own wrong decisions and learn from failures [1]. They create trust by being there for their team, supporting them and passing on their knowledge [1].

In order to build trust, it is important that managers exemplify the behaviors they expect from their team [1]. They should listen carefully when team members express their wishes, needs and concerns and respond to criticism [1]. By setting clear goals and empowering employees to work independently, managers create an atmosphere of trust [1].

Innovative benefits for the modern working world

In today's working world, innovative benefits for employees are becoming increasingly important. One particularly relevant aspect is individual mobility [2]. Companies are increasingly offering flexible mobility options to meet the needs of their employees. Company bike leasing is becoming increasingly popular as it combines health, cost efficiency and sustainability [2]. Mobility budgets also allow employees to choose between different modes of transportation such as public transport, car sharing or e-scooters [2]. Wellness apps for companies are another innovative approach. These offer functions for managing stress, promoting healthy sleep and improving eating habits [3] . Such apps can reduce absenteeism and increase employee retention [3] . In addition, studies show that employees who feel supported by the company are more productive and committed [4] .

Employer subsidies for childcare costs are another innovative benefit. Although little used to date, they can significantly increase employee satisfaction and make it easier to return to work after parental leave [5] .

Employer branding to strengthen employee loyalty

Employer branding plays a crucial role in employee retention. It is about actively shaping the employer brand externally in order to positively influence potential applicants and the public. At the same time, internal communication is an essential part of employer branding and contributes to employee retention.

Satisfied employees act as authentic company ambassadors and give the employer brand a credible face. Companies should offer them opportunities to actively fulfill this role, for example by sharing employee stories and insights into everyday working life.

Studies show that 57 percent of respondents are more likely to be committed to their job if their employer participates in CSR activities [6] . In addition, employees who have a negative view of their employer's contribution to society are twice as likely to leave the company [6] .

In order to build a strong employer brand, it is important that companies live and communicate their values authentically. This not only promotes employee loyalty, but also attracts potential applicants.


Employee retention has a major influence on the success of a company. Through attractive benefits, trustworthy leadership and strong employer branding, employers can motivate their workforce and retain them in the long term. Innovative approaches such as flexible mobility options, wellness apps and childcare allowances help to meet the needs of modern employees.

In order to remain competitive, companies must continuously develop their employee benefits and adapt them to changing expectations. An authentic corporate culture and practiced values are just as important as concrete benefits. Apply to FutureBens, the platform for modern employee benefits. Ultimately, it's about creating a working environment in which employees feel valued and can develop their full potential.


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Writer at FutureBens

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