The world of books and much more: Hugendubel is your online bookseller for books of all genres. Discover new releases and bestsellers, a comprehensive range of eBooks, audiobooks and toys, as well as tolino eReaders. With us, every book reaches your hands quickly and free of shipping costs.
Your voucher is valid up to and including 31.07.2025. You can only redeem the voucher online at It is not possible to order for collection with payment in-store. The voucher is not valid for legally priced items (German-language books and eBooks) or for priced calendars, Tonieboxes, tolino eReaders and tolino select.
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Hugendubel is one of the largest owner-managed booksellers in Germany and has stood for a passion for books since 1893. With over 90 stores, 800 shop-in-shops and the online store, the company combines tradition with digital change. Hugendubel offers a carefully curated range of bestsellers, specialist and non-fiction books, classics, children's and young adult books as well as audio books and eBooks. The range is complemented by a large selection of films, music, toys, calendars, stationery and tolino eBook readers With expert advice and a deep understanding of literature, Hugendubel brings books to life for everyone.