Loveco: This is your fashion selection of over 80 curated brands for which sustainability and fairness are paramount, compiled in an online store and three Berlin stores. E.g. Veja, Armedangels, Nudie Jeans, pinqponq, Embassy of Bricks and Logs and many more.
The discount can be redeemed from a minimum order value of 10€.
*Important: Only create a discount code if it will definitely be used. Please treat the discount code confidentially and do not pass it on to third parties. It is not always possible to combine discounts. Further general information can be found on the brand website.
The textile industry is the second dirtiest in the world. That's why Loveco has been working since 2014 to change the fashion world sustainably with you.
In the Loveco online store and the four Loveco stores in Berlin you will find the largest selection of exclusively organic, fair and vegan t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, dresses, shirts and jewelry for women and men from the best fair fashion brands. Loveco does not chase trends, as the fast fashion industry does, but creates awareness of how environment, climate and society are connected and how fashion can make a positive impact. Loveco stands for fashion that empowers instead of exploits, creates cohesion instead of exclusion and corresponds to a modern and open world view.