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The discount code is only for people who work for a company or have a business email address.
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Learn more about FutureBensClose15% off the Flex subscription. Before ordering, please check whether your zip code is in our delivery area.
Tiny Farms was founded in 2020 and aims to bring the microfarming approach to society at large.
We want to produce better food together - regional, fair and organic; enable people to do fulfilling work in contact with nature and bring society into contact with food cultivation.
Field-fresh organic vegetables from Brandenburg. Delivery within Berlin included.
Tiny Farms grows seasonal organic vegetables in Brandenburg according to the Market Garden principle. Harvested in the morning - delivered in the afternoon: From mid-May to the end of November, we deliver field-fresh organic vegetables to your home every week in an environmentally friendly subscription box within Berlin by e-transporter & cargo bike.